Focus On Your Packaging


How to let flow wrapper work with multi-head weigher?

For multi-head weigher, we know it is widely used for granule, nuts, chips packing, normally configure with vertical packing machine. Do you know muliti-head weigher can work with flow wrapper also? Here is customer request and our packaging solution which is designed to fill requested weight products into container, then wrapped by flow wrapper.

Requests for Chocolate weighing and packaging with flow wrapper.

Product: Chocolate rings

Packaging way:  load request weight chocolates into plastic container, then wrapped by flow wrapper.

Packaging request: Automatic dispense plastic container, multi-head weigher fill requested weight chocolate into container, then wrapped by flow wrapper. (customer already has flow wrapper in work shop).The total filling and packing process must be automatic.

Our packaging solution:



Machinery list: Accelerate conveyor (to connect with chocolate cooling conveyor), transition conveyor (to feed chocolate into Z type elevator), Z type elevator (to feed chocolate products into multi- head weigher), Automatic tray dispenser (to take and deliver trays one by one to feeding belt), Position conveyor (to locate container with request position), Platform and Multi-head weigher(to fill request weight chocolates into container)

Technical tips:

  • Machinery should be designed with anti-smash, to minimize product smash rate.
  • No container No filling function.
  • Transition conveyor run with  forward and backward direction to avoid too much material in elevator.
  • Bucket elevator should connect with  multi head weigher, to avoid too much materail in weigher.

Chocolate weighing and packaging video:

Summary: This weighing and packaging system is also suitable for biscuit, crackers, cookies and other kind of products which has weighing, container loading and flow wrappers packaging request.