Focus On Your Packaging


5 important points to choose the right flow wrapper

Recently, people keep asking about how to choose right flow wrapper, here we give 5 important tips, which you should read before making decision to buy a new packaging machine.

Point 1: To determine which products you want to pack.

All packaging machinery have the packaging scope, before buying a machine, customer may hope that one machine pack all their products. In fact, one set machine performs better than compatibles packaging machine, The products should not exceed 3-5 varieties for one machine,which can save time for adjustment.

Point 2: High performance with low cost.

Choose the stable performance packaging with well found after sales service. Buy only the right ones, not the expensive ones.
Select the machine with mature technology and stable quality, so that the packaging is faster and more stable, low energy consumption, low scrap rate.Packaging machine uses consumable film, if the purchase of low-quality machines, may waste packaging film and maintainence time in the future in the daily accumulated production, which is not a small amount.

Point 3: If possible, visit machines factory, make a test packing.

With on sight investigation, pay attention to machines' details,check facotry size and manufacturing capacity,and make test packing are important, or send samples to facotry to make test packaging.

Point 4: Well found after sales service.

Long term and timely after sales service are critical. Also consider the affordable parts for replacement.

Point 5: Calculate bag length and film width according to product size.

Packaging machine's scope paramters are refered to bag size, not to product size, after caculating, you can find the suitable machine from parameters sheet, also have clear idea about film size information such as film width, registration eyemark distance (bag length). You may refer this article for how to calculate bag size and film width↗️.

In general, select the most suitable machines within your budget, quality and after sales service are the top priority, Never aim/pursue to the price only.

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